Crypto Payments, Upgraded: Arbitrum, Optimism & Base Now Supported
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Crypto Payments, Upgraded: Arbitrum, Optimism & Base Now Supported
Discover L2 Payments
Swap Crypto with Low Fees and Full Control
Swap Crypto with Low Fees and Full Control
Swap Crypto with Low Fees and Full Control
Secure, fast crypto swaps with competitive rates and 100% self-custody.
Secure, fast crypto swaps with competitive rates and 100% self-custody.
Secure, fast crypto swaps with competitive rates and 100% self-custody.

How to swap crypto with BitPay
Swapping crypto with BitPay is fast, secure, and easy. Choose from thousands of swapping pairs across chains - all with self-custody control.
Choose your swap
Connect your wallet and choose from thousands of swapping pairs across multiple chains.
Choose your swap
Connect your wallet and choose from thousands of swapping pairs across multiple chains.
Choose your swap
Connect your wallet and choose from thousands of swapping pairs across multiple chains.
Choose your swap
Connect your wallet and choose from thousands of swapping pairs across multiple chains.
Get the best rate
BitPay aggregates swap offers from multiple providers, ensuring you always get the best rate with the lowest fees.
Get the best rate
BitPay aggregates swap offers from multiple providers, ensuring you always get the best rate with the lowest fees.
Get the best rate
BitPay aggregates swap offers from multiple providers, ensuring you always get the best rate with the lowest fees.
Get the best rate
BitPay aggregates swap offers from multiple providers, ensuring you always get the best rate with the lowest fees.
Receive your crypto
Finalize the swap and receive your crypto in your self-custody wallet.
Receive your crypto
Finalize the swap and receive your crypto in your self-custody wallet.
Receive your crypto
Finalize the swap and receive your crypto in your self-custody wallet.
Receive your crypto
Finalize the swap and receive your crypto in your self-custody wallet.
Benefits of swapping cryptocurrency with BitPay
Looking for more ways to use your crypto?
FAQs about swapping crypto with BitPay
How do I swap crypto?
How do I swap crypto?
How do I swap crypto?
How do I swap crypto?
How do I swap crypto?
Do I need to create an account to swap crypto?
Do I need to create an account to swap crypto?
Do I need to create an account to swap crypto?
Do I need to create an account to swap crypto?
Do I need to create an account to swap crypto?
Is BitPay safe?
Is BitPay safe?
Is BitPay safe?
Is BitPay safe?
Is BitPay safe?
Which cryptocurrencies/chains are supported?
Which cryptocurrencies/chains are supported?
Which cryptocurrencies/chains are supported?
Which cryptocurrencies/chains are supported?
Which cryptocurrencies/chains are supported?
Is BitPay a crypto exchange?
Is BitPay a crypto exchange?
Is BitPay a crypto exchange?
Is BitPay a crypto exchange?
Is BitPay a crypto exchange?
How long does it take to receive my crypto?
How long does it take to receive my crypto?
How long does it take to receive my crypto?
How long does it take to receive my crypto?
How long does it take to receive my crypto?
What makes BitPay the best place to swap crypto?
What makes BitPay the best place to swap crypto?
What makes BitPay the best place to swap crypto?
What makes BitPay the best place to swap crypto?
What makes BitPay the best place to swap crypto?
What are the fees?
What are the fees?
What are the fees?
What are the fees?
What are the fees?
Are there any limits to how much crypto I can swap?
Are there any limits to how much crypto I can swap?
Are there any limits to how much crypto I can swap?
Are there any limits to how much crypto I can swap?
Are there any limits to how much crypto I can swap?