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June 2, 2017

What It's Like To Intern at BitPay | Part One

Today we're sharing part one of a series giving young people an inside look at what it's like to intern with us at BitPay.

Will Hay joined our user experience engineering team back in the summer of 2016. He blew us away with his contributions to our wallet platform, so he was the first person who came to mind for this short series. He was kind enough to answer some of our questions about his experience as an intern:

What did you work on?

During my time at BitPay, I worked on the Cordova plugin QR-code scanner for Android. I spent most of my time working with and implementing the Android hardware API in order to create the functionality needed for QR-code scanning including switching cameras, turning on and off the flash, among other things.

What were some things that stood out for you about working at BitPay?

One of the biggest things that stood out to me about working at BitPay was the passion everyone in the office had for Bitcoin. I really believe they all loved what they were doing and wanted to be a part of a potentially world-changing industry. They weren’t just going through the motions 10-5 everyday.

What were two things you learned from your time at BitPay?

One skill that was emphasized at BitPay was that of independent thinking in development work. While the people I worked with really helped me get started and steered me in the right direction, the majority of my time was spent working alone, solving all sorts of problems with my code and learning to create Cordova plugins. I had never created a Cordova plugin or worked with the Android hardware API before, so I really had to learn to efficiently utilize the multitude of resources available on the internet in order to finish the plugin.

Would you recommend that other young developers work here? Why?

I would definitely recommend other young developers work at BitPay, especially if they’re interested in Bitcoin. The whole atmosphere at the office is great, and you’ll learn more than you ever could’ve in any class at school.

Interested in interning at BitPay? We're hiring development interns for the fall! Send us an email telling us why you'd like to work at BitPay and what you can bring to the team. GitHub profiles are always appreciated.

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